Agencies and Community Partners

Love in the Name of Christ is a network of churches with the goal of helping those in need get connected with the resources to support them.

To ensure we are the best stewards of our resources, we require the following information to begin ministering to your client/neighbor in need. Through our intake process, the Love INC Connection Center learns more about the person’s surrounding situation and begins building the relationship. We determine which church resources and/or social services are available to support them and get them connected.


A current referral from a church, caseworker, social worker, or an approved non-family member that can verify the need is genuine


A working phone number – we are a call center only!


A completed Love INC phone intake conversation between our neighbor and a Love INC volunteer

Online Neighbor Referral

Our Neighbor Referral Portal is intended for church and agencies only. By entering this portal, you are indicating that you are qualified to refer a client/neighbor to Love INC of Lake County.

Any Questions?

Please give us a call. Our volunteers or Connection Center Coordinator would love to connect with you.